Do I live in Four Hills Village Mid Century Original?

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Welcome to the topic “Do I live in Four Hills Village Mid Century Original?”

Four Hills Village is a renowned Albuquerque neighborhood, which has unique characteristics that separate it from the rest of the neighborhoods. The Village has a long history, which started back in 12000 BCE. The Pueblo Indians settled in the Village; however, the Village's development took place in the 1950s. The houses' construction was the first and foremost thing in that era; people were more into different architecture styles, especially the mid-century modern charm to boot. 



Similarly, if we talk about the popularity, President Kennedy's visit to inspect the Sandia National Laboratories late in 1962 made it historical because his visit became the talk of the town at that time. While his visit to the Laboratories, he stayed in the historical Motel. Unfortunately, the story of the Motel ended in 1988 because of some reasons they replaced it with a shopping center; however, people of the Village still love to talk about the Motel because they have their beautiful memories attached to it.


Moreover, the Village has always been a center for customs and traditions. While walking down the streets, you will find historical places, arts, cultures reflected on the walls and shopping centers. Every part of the Village has something important to know about, and that's the reason why Vince Gilligan, the creator of one of the most-watched television serials Breaking Bad, chose this place of Albuquerque to film a couple of its episodes.


He wanted to display the beautiful and historical era in the episodes. Undoubtedly, there is no place better than the Four Hills for beautiful mountains and forests. Moreover, the Village people have preserved their traditional ethos and legacies with a lot of care and love, which doesn’t seem to fade.


The Original Four Hills Village

Back in 1955, the Village started growing faster, and the new houses were being built. The place was like a blockbuster movie with a free ticket. People were more eager to buy homes in the Village than ever before; undoubtedly, its outstanding beauty and unwavering mountains attracted people.


However, to make the Village a little more luxurious and more attractive, its infrastructure and architectural styles were modified. Proudly, the Village hasn't lost its originality because people who were loving, caring, and most importantly, serene are still found in the Hills' boundaries.


The beautiful environment and the residents' pleasant nature are still admired because they have unique traditions; for instance, if there is a visitor in the Village, all village seniors are supposed to get together to greet the visitor. 


Furthermore, if you ever get the chance to travel in a means of local transport in the Village, you will get to know the People's breathtaking nature because it is also a tradition to say thanks to the driver while getting out of the bus; this is how they have been preserving their culture and traditions. The Village has never changed a bit because villagers have always maintained the place's wonders with a lot of love and care. 

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