Mid Century Data, Modern Day Technology
In late 2020 Nick and Kimberli Roth started collecting hundreds of artifacts about the architectural history of Four Hills Village, Albuquerque. To maintain the sheer volume and variety of data points coming in, a state of the art 100% cloud-based archival system was developed.
Four Hills Village history in the making.
“There is so much information out there that no one wants to spend hours digging for again and again. This digitized archive makes it possible to effectively track the significant history of hundreds of houses at once. Its powerful search engine can retrieve exactly what you're looking for in a snap. I never expected to build the most robust localized history app in New Mexico but here we are. One day, when the work in my community is complete, I want to use this technology to help other New Mexico neighborhoods document their historic significance.”
This project is for the benefit of the community. To access the artifacts we have archived or to contribute to the archive, reach out to us directly. We are happy to share the historical information collected about your Four Hills Village address.